Mark Burton

updated May, 2012

Visiting Professor of Human Services, Research Institute for Health and Social Change,  Manchester Metropolitan University.

formerly, Head of Service:  Manchester Learning Disability Partnership.

contact details

To see Community Psychology UK site click here

To see Manchester Learning Disability Partnership site  click here

To see Liberation Psychology Network site click here

To see Green Deal for the Manchester-Mersey Bioregion site click here

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Intellectual disability - service provision and development, behavioural challenges, history and ideology of service provision.
Community psychology - community social psychology and principled social change.
Other perspectives - psychology, philosophy and politics of liberation.

Selected Publications   see also  click here for the most comprehensive archive, with many downloads, of my work

for my pamphlets and journalistic output see here      

Burton, M. (in press, 2011) Commentary: Psychology in Cuba.  International Journal of Cuban Studies, 3, (4).

Burton, M. (2011) Prólogo.  (Invited Prologue).  In J. M. Flores Osorio, Psicología y Praxis Comunitaria: Una Vision Latinoamericana.  pp. 5-10.  Cuernavaca, Mexico: Editorial Latinoamericana.

Kagan, C., Burton, M., Duckett, P., Lawthom, R. and   Siddiquee, A  (2011) Critical Community Psychology.     ISBN 978-1-4051-8884-5  Wiley-Blackwell

Burton, M and Flores Osorio, J.M. (2011) Introducing Dussel: the Philosophy of Liberation and a really social psychology.  Psychology in Society, (41),  20-39

Burton, M and Kagan, C (2009) Towards a really social psychology: Liberation Psychology beyond Latin America. In Montero, M and Sonn, C Eds The Psychology of Liberation. Theory and Applications, Springer.

McMillan, A. S., & Burton, M. (2009). From parent education to collective action: "Childrearing with love" in post-war Guatemala. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(3), 198-211.  DOI: 10.1002/casp.990.  full text

Davies, G, Chadwick, D, Cunningham, DJ, Starling, S, Duxbury, J and Burton, M (2008)  The dental health of adults with learning disabilities - results of a pilot study.  Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 9, (3), 121-131.

Kagan, C., Siddiquee, A, Burton, M., . (2008) Action Research in C. Willig and W. Stainton-Rogers (eds) Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology. Sage.

Burton, M, Boyle, S, Harris, C and Kagan, C  (2007)  Community Psychology in Britain.   Chapter 10, pp. 219-237 in S Reich, M Riemer, I Prilleltensky, & M Montero (Eds)  International Community Psychology: History and Theories.  Kluwer Academic Press.

Burton, M and Kagan, C  (2007) Psychologists and torture: more than a question of interrogation.   The Psychologist. 20, (8), 484-487.    

Burton, M,  Boyle, S, Harris, C, Kagan, C .  (2007) Community Psychology in Britain  in S Reich, M Riemer, I Prilleltensky, & M Montero (eds) International Community Psychology Springer 

Caton, S., Starling, S., Burton, M., Azmi, S. and Chapman, M. (2007), Responsive services for people with learning disabilities from minority ethnic communities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35: 229–235. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2007.00454.x

Starling, S., Willis, A., Dracup, M., Burton, M. and Pratt, C.  (2006) "Right to Sight".  Accessing Eye Care For Adults Who Are Learning Disabled.  Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 10:. 337 - 355.   

Chapman, M, Burton, M, Hunt, V, and Reeves, D  (2006) Implementation of Goal Attainment Scaling in Community Intellectual Disability Services. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 3 (2) 119–128.

Chadwick, D. D., Jolliffe, J., Goldbart, J. & Burton M. H.. (2006) Barriers to compliance among caregivers of adults with learning disabilities and dysphagia.  Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 19 (2), 153-162.

Chapman, M, Gledhill, P, Burton, M., Jones, P and Soni, S.  (2006)  The use of psychotropic medication with learning disabled adults.  British Journal of Learning Disabilities., 34, 28–35.

Burton, M and Kagan, C. (2006) Decoding Valuing People. Disability and Society 21, (4), 299-313.

Burton, M and Kagan, C  (2005) Decoding Valuing People: Social policy for people who are learning disabled.  pp  59-65 in UK Health Watch Editorial Group (Eds) UK Health Watch 2005: The experience of health in an unequal society.  ISBN 18740387667  http:/// (shorter version of the article that appeared above).

Kagan, C, Lawthom, R, Duckett, P and Burton, M  (2006)  Doing community psychology with disabled people.  Chapter 12, pp 170-186 in D Goodley and R Lawthom,, (Eds.)  Disability and Psychology:  Critical Introduction and Reflections.  Basingstoke:  Palgrave Macmillan.

Burton, M. and Kagan, C. (with Roberts, A.). (2005). Community living for older people: a social validation study. in Goodley, D and Van Hove, G. Another Disability Studies Reader: Including People with Learning Difficulties. Belgium: Garant publishers.

Burton, M and Kagan, C  Liberation Psychology:  Learning from Latin America. (2005) Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology  (2005) 15, (1), 63-78   prepublication draft.

Burton, M. and Kagan, C. (with Roberts, A.). (2005). Community living for older people: a social validation study. in Goodley, D and Van Hove, G. Another Disability Studies Reader: Including People with LearningDifficulties. Belgium: Garant publishers.

Hare D. J.; Pratt C., Burton M.; Bromley J. & Emerson E. (2004) The health and social care needs of family carers supporting adults with autisticspectrum disorders. Autism 8 (4) 435-454

Kagan, C. and   Burton, M   (2004, 2010)  Marginalization.  Chapter 13 in Isaac Prilleltensky and Geoff Nelson, (Eds.)
Community Psychology:  In pursuit of wellness and liberation.  Published 2004 by Macmillan/Palgrave, London.  prepublication draft   Second Edition, 2010.
Hare D. J.; Pratt C., Burton M.; Bromley J. & Emerson E. (2004)  The health and social care needs of family carers supporting  adults with autistic spectrum disorders. Autism 8 (4) 435-454.

Burton, M   La psicología social de la liberación: aprendiendo de América Latina.   Polis, 1, 101-124, (in collaboration with J.J. Vázquez Ortega). .

Burton M  (2004) Viva Nacho!  Liberating Psychology in Latin America.  The Psychologist, 17, (10), 584-587, October 2004  pdf published version

Burton, M.  (2004)  Liberation social psychology:  learning from the Latin American Experience Clinical Psychology, issue 38, June 2004, pp. 32-37.  (based on workshop run at the Community and Critical Psychology Conference, September 2003, Birmingham).  

Burton, M. and Chapman, M. (2004) Problems of evidence based practice in community health and social
services.  Journal of Learning Disabilities.  8, 56-70.   prepublication draft   presentation based on this work

Burton, M  (2004)  Radical Psychology Networks: a Review and Guide  Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 14, (2) , 119 -130.

Kagan, C., Evans, R., Knowles, K., Sixsmith, J., Burns, D., Burton, M., Crespo, I. and Lalueza, J.L. (2004) Working with people who are marginalized by the social system: challenges for community psychological work. In A Sánchez Vidal, A Zambrano Constanzo and M Palacín Lois (Eds.) Psicología Comunitaria Europea: Comunidad, Poder Ética y Valores / European Community Psychology: Community, Power, Ethics and Values. Barcelona: Publicacions Universitat de Barcelona. Pp. 400-412. (Papers from the European Community Psychology Congress, Barcelona, November, 2002).  

Dye, L, Hendy, S, Hare, D.J. and Burton (2004) Capacity to consent to participate in research - A recontextualisation. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 144-150.  abstract
Burton, M and Kagan, C (2003) Community psychology:  why this gap in Britain? History and Philosophy of Psychology 4, (2), 10-23.  prepublication draft

Burton, M  (2003)  Review of Gerald Midgley's Systemic Intervention  Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology13 (4) 330-333.  prepublication draft

Burton, M.  Understanding and Intervening with People who present Behavioural Challenges: Distance Learning Course for University of Manchester, Mencap and Royal Schools for the Deaf, Joint Training Initiative.  1997 

Fleming, I. and Burton, M.  (2001)  Teaching about the Individual and Society links on the Manchester Clinical Psychology Training Course.   Clinical Psychology,  Issue 6.  prepublication draft

Burton, M. and Kagan, C.  (2000) Prefigurative Action Research:  An alternative basis for critical psychology?  Annual Review of Critical Psychology  2. prepublication draft

Burton, M. and Kellaway, M  (Eds.).  (1998)  Developing and Managing High Quality Services for People with Learning Disabilities.  Aldershot:   Ashgate.

Burton, M and  Sanderson, H.  (1998)  Paradigms in learning disability:  Compare, contrast, combine. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability.  11, (1), 44-59.   prepublication draft

Burton, M. and Kagan, C. (1998)  Complementarism versus incommensurability in psychological research methodology  in M. Cheung-Chung (ed)  Current Trends in History and Philosophy of Psychology   Leicester:  British Psychological Society prepublication draft

Burton, M and  Adcock, C. (1998)  The associate psychologist:  developing the graduate workforce. Clinical Psychology Forum, No. 121, November   prepublication draft

Burton M  (1997) Introduction  In E. Cocks, et al.  (Eds.)  A Social History of Intellectual Disability in Western Australia  Perth:  Edith Cowan University,.  (invited introduction).

Burton, M.  Intellectual disability:  developing a definition. (1997)  Journal of Learning Disabilities  , 1, (1), 37-43..

Maitland, S. Horne, R. and  Burton, M.  An exploration of the Alexander Technique for people with learning disabilities.  British Journal of Learning Disabilities  1996, 24, (2), 70-76.

Burton, M. and Kagan, C.   (1996)  Rethinking Empowerment: Shared action against powerlessness  in  I. Parker and R. Spears (eds.) Psychology and Society: Radical Theory and Practice  Pluto Press, London  ISBN  0-7453-0879-1 prepublication draft

Burton, M. and  Kellaway, M.  (1995)  Specialisation without separation:  Combining health and  social services provision for people with learning disabilities. Health and Social Care in the Community  3, (4), 263-267.

Burton, M.,  and Kagan, C.  (1995) Social Skills and Learning Disability: A Social Capability Approach  Chapman and Hall , London (Therapy in Practice Series)  ISBN 0-412-43380X   1-56593-194-7  USA

Kagan, C. and  Burton, M.  (1995) Paradigm Change in Action: The role of social movements  Agogik: Zeitschrift fur Fragen sozialer Gestaltung 4/94 25-36 (Berne, Switzerland)

Burton, M. and Kagan, C.   (1994) The verbal community and the societal construction of consciousness Behavior and Social Issues 4 (1 and 2) 1-10  prepublication draft

Burton, M. (1989) Australian Intellectual Disability Services - Experiments in Social Change.  Building Community Strategies, Working Paper no. 1, London: Kings Fund College.

Burton, M.  (1983) Understanding mental health services:  theory and practiceCritical Social Policy , 3, (7), 54 - 74.

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