Manchester Metropolitan University

Department Psychology and Speech Pathology

MSc Psychology and Counselling

Social Psychological Foundations of Counselling Psychology

Assessment (hand in date: )

Undertake a social psychological analysis of an encounter in which you participate in a helping role.

The assigmnent gives you the opportunity to undertake a social psychological analysis of yourself-in-a-helping-encounter. Reports will vary in their content and their emphases, but all must demonstrate the ability to integrate social psychological literature with interaction process analysis. A transcript of 30 minutes of interaction, in which you are a participant should be appended to the report. You may also include a video or audio tape if you wish.

The total word length should not exceed 4000 words, excluding diagrams, references and appendices. If you think you may not meet the deadline for handing in the work, please see a tutor well before the hand-in date and negotiate an alternative date with the course co-ordinator. Please hand in the work in the postgraduate assessed coursework box - make sure you complete a postgraduate cover slip for the work and a receipt for your work will be put in your pigeon hole. If you are unable to get in to the University, you may send the work via recorded delivery to the postgraduate secretary in the office - if you want a receipt to be sent to you, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

Guidance Notes:





Criteria for assessment

Social Psychological Foundations of Counselling Psychology

Transcript of an interpersonal encounter with 'self' in a helping role.

Name: Type of encounter: I:I/Triadie/Group

Participants (please preserve anonymity):


Context in which the encounter took place:





Method of recording: audio / video / other (please specify)


Permission sought from other participants: Yes / No


Rules of transcription:












Briefly state what preceded this extract:







Briefly state what followed this extract:



Appendix 1: Alternative ways of incorporating a reflexive account into the transcript.



1. Concurrent




Reflexive analysis

Cl When you told him that, how did you feel?

What if this is pushing her too far? I

may not be on the right track here -

am I really responding to her own pace?

J2 I .... [sighs]'s as if..l don't..You see, C, it's not as if I don't love him [shifts and changes position; head in hands; looks at wouldn't be too bad if I had no feelings for him. (husband's sister) is going through the same thing - now she says he's not like a husband - never has been [looks down] ... she hates him. That's easy. But me (looks at C)

I love him. But he's not coming back - I'm sure of that. C, there's no way he's going to hurt me like that again. [sits up] never

here she goes again. I don't think I

understand how she keeps these two things in her head - she's certainly not reconciled to living with ‘I love him but I'm not having him back'.

she seems certain

I don't blame her. Why can't she make the break?



C3. No, I can see that [nods at J who looks away]



J4 He's not. It all started when he had to work for himself - can't stand the pressure, see.

I was right - she's not ready to talk about herfeelings. How can I stop her going round and round in circles?










The reflexive analysis can be written in by hand after the encounter has been transcribed.


2. Embedded


Cl When you told him that, how did you feel?

What if this is pushing her too far? I may not be on the right track here - am I really responding to her own pace?

J2 I .... [sighs]'s as if.l don't..You see, C, it's not as if I don't love him (shifts and changes position; head in hands; looks at C) wouldn't he too bad if I had no feelings for him. (husband's sister) is going through the same thing - now she says he's not like a husband - never has been (looks down) ... she hates him. That's easy. But me (looks at C) I love him. But he's not coming back - I'm sure of that. C, there's no way he's going to hurt me like that again. [sits up] never

I don't think I understand how she keeps these two things in her head - she's certainly not reconciled to living with 7 love him but Im not having him back'.

C3. No, I can see that [nods at J who looks away]

J4 He's not. It all started when he had to work for himself - can't stand the pressure, see.

I was right - she's not ready to talk about herfeelings. How can I stop her going round and round in circles?







Here, the reflexive analysis can be more spread out - maybe directed more at strategy rather than reaction.