Manchester Metropolitan University

Department of Psychology and Speech Pathology

BSc Psychology and BSc Psychology and Speech Pathology Year I



There is a key text which you should make sure you have access to (it is on short term loan). Key Text: Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall

You will have easy access to the following as they are on Short Term Loan in the library:

Please note: As all your course work for this course is completed in the first term, you may find yourself doing more independent work for this course than for some of your other courses.


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall Ch.1

Cuff,E., Sharrock, W. and Francis, D. (1992) Perspectives in Sociology London, Routledge Ch.1 3rd Ed.

Himmelweit, H. and Gaskell, G. (1990) Societal Psychology London, Sage Ch. 1

Parker I and Spears, R (1996) Psychology and Society London, Pluto Press


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall pp 24-44; 115-119; 435-436; 451-454; 711

Benedict, R. (1934) Patterns of Culture Houghton Mifflin

Berry J et al., (1992) Cross Cultural Psychology Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Harris, M. Bo. (ed) (1988) Cross Cultural Challenge to Social Psychology London, Sage



M. Searle Chaterjee, D. Boulton and M. Harnor (2000) Community:

Description debate and dilemma Venture Press (may not have appeared in the library yet – watch out for it!)

Forrest, I and Kearns, A (1999) Joined up Places? Social cohesion and neighbourhood regeneration York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Coakes, S.J. and Bishop, B.J (1998) Where do I fit in? Factors influencing women’s participation in rural communities Community, Work and Family 1 (3) 249-272

Walklate, K and Evans, (1999) Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Aldershot, Ashgate

Stewart, A. (2000) Unpaid work in the community: An account of becoming a community activist Community, Work and Family 3 (1) 111-114

Tonnies, F. (1887) Gemeinschaft and Gessellschaft Berlin. (Selections translated into English appear in P.Worsley (ed) (1970 or a later edition) Modern Sociology: Introductory Readings Harmondsworth, Penguin)

Suttles G.D. (1972) The social Construction of Community in P.Worsley (ed) (1991) The New Modern Sociology Readings Harmondsworth, Penguin

Cohen A. (1985) The Symbolic Construction of Community Tavistock

Sarason S.B. (1974) Psychological Sense of Community: Prospects for a Community Psychology San Francisco, Jossey Bass

Orford, J (1992) Community Psychology London, Wiley

Sonn, C et. al (1999) Sense of Community: Issues and considerations from a cross cultural perspective Community, Work and Family 2,(2) 205-218

Crow, G.P., Graham, A.A. and Summers, M. (2001) Changing the perspectives on the insider/outsider distinction in community sociology Community, Work and Family, 4 (1) 29-48


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall pp 267-326; 61-73

Cuff,E., Sharrock, W. and Francis, D. (1992) Perspectives in Sociology London, Routledge Ch.3 3rd Ed.

Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier nation A contract for Health CM 3852 London, HMSO

Milner, A (1999) Class London, Sage

J Morris (1991) Able Lives: Womens' Experiences of Paralysis London, Womens Press

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (1995) Inquiry into Income and Wealth, Vol.1 York, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Gilroy, P. (1987) There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack London, Hutchinson

Williams, R (1980) Problems in Materialism and Culture Verso (esp. pp31-50)

see also any reports from the Social Exclusion Unit, UK Government


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall pp 56-62; 74-75; 80-83; 441; 579;

Cuff,E., Sharrock, W. and Francis, D. (1992) Perspectives in Sociology Routledge Ch.2 3rd Ed.

Himmelweit, H. and Gaskell, G. (1990) Societal Psychology Sage Ch. 7

Billig,M. (1992) Talking of the Royal Family Routledge

A Witz (1992) Professions and Patriarchy London, Routledge

Marion, R. (1999) The Edge of Organisation London, Sage

Moore, M., Sixsmith, J. and Knowles, K. (eds) (1996) Children's Reflections of Family Life pp29-51 London, Taylor and Francis

Morgan G, (1986) Images of Organisation London, Sage (Ch 6 Interests, conflicts and power: Organizations as political systems)

Platone, M.L. (1998) Community and Family in Venezuela Community, Work and Family, 1, (2) 167-179

Wardhaugh,J. and Wilding, P. (1993) Towards an explanation of the corruption of care Critical Social Policy Issue 37 pp 4-31


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall pp 84-91; 444-5

Cuff,E., Sharrock, W. and Francis, D. (1992) Perspectives in Sociology Routledge Ch.5 3rd Ed.

Goffman, E. (1959) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life New York, Allen and Lane (Published by Pelican Books, 1971)

W. Goldschmidt (1990) The Human Career: The self in the symbolic world Oxford, Blackwell

Swanson, V. and Power, K.G. (1999) Stress, satisfaction and role conflict in dual-doctor partnerships Community, Work and Family 2 (1) 67-88


Marsh, I. et al. (2000) Sociology: Making Sense of Society Harlow, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall pp89-91

Bennett, A. (1995) Writing Home London, Faber and Faber pp 302-309Cuff,E., Sharrock, W. and Francis, D. (1992) Perspectives in Sociology London, Routledge Ch.5 3rd Ed.

Collett P.(ed. ) (1977) Social Rules and Social Behaviour Oxford, Blackwell

Douglas, M. (ed.) (1972) Rules and Meanings London, Penguin

Himmelweit, H. and Gaskell, G. (1990) Societal Psychology London, Sage Ch. 3

Millett, K. (1991) The Loony Bin Trip London, Womens Press pp 193-198; 204-211

Davis, A. (1988) An Autobiography London, Womens Press (first published 1974) pp 52-57; 61-65; 296-303


Wilkinson, R. (1996) Unhealthy Societies London, Routledge p. 214-215

Bourdieu, P. (1986) The forms of capital in J. Richardson (ed) Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education New York, Greenwood Press

Dipasquale, D. and Glaeser, E.L. (1999) Incentives and social capital: are homeowners better citizens? Journal Urban Economics 45, 354-84

Gittlell, R and Vidal ,A. (1998) Community organising: Building social capital as a development strategy London, Sage (introductory chapters)

Kagan, C., Lawthom R., Knowles, K. and Burton, M. (2000) Community activism, participation and social capital on a peripheral housing estate Manchester, IOD Research Group (access for a copy).



Himmelweit, H. and Gaskell, G. (1990) Societal Psychology London, Sage Ch. 12

Birkitt,I. (1992) Social Selves London, Sage

Birkitt, I (1999) Bodies of Though: Embodiment, identity and modernity London, Sage

Gergen, K (1999) An Invitation to social construction London, Sage

Harre, R - see either his work on Social Being or Personal Being

Leonard,P (1978) Ideology and Personality London, Macmillan pp 83099

Sève, L (1975) Marxism and the Theory of Personality Lawrence and Wishart


Lister, R (1998) From equality to social inclusion: New Labour and the welfare state Critical Social Policy 18 (2) 215-226

McDonald, R (ed) (1997) Youth, The ‘Underclass and Social Exclusion London, Routledge

Millar, B. (1995) Heaviness in the Air Health Services Journal 25 May p.16

Room, G. (1996) Beyond the Threshold: The Measurement and Analysis of Social Exclusion Bristol, Policy Press

and any report from the Social Exclusion Unit


Friere, P. (1972 ) Cultural Action for Freedom Penguin

Friere, P (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed Penguin

Himmelweit, H. and Gaskell, G. (1990) Societal Psychology Sage Ch. 8

Morris, J. (1991) Pride Against Prejudice - Transforming

Attitudes to Disability Womens Press

Parker I and Spears R (Eds) (1996) Psychology and Society London Pluto Press (Ch By M. Burton and C. Kagan 'Rethinking Empowerment')