links of general relevance to
community psychology - send us your
updated October, 2011
in no particular order!
New (October, 2011): Liberation Pychology - English Language Network
The Equality Trust We
believe that in order to gain substantial improvements in the real
quality of life of the populations of developed countries it is
necessary that differences in income and wealth are greatly reduced.
The evidence suggests that this will improve health, dramatically
reduce the incidence of violence and a wide range of other social
problems, improve the quality of social relations for the vast majority
of the population, and make the task of developing sustainable economic
systems very much easier. Summary of key findings - from the Guardian 13/3/09 double page spread.
Green Deal for the Manchester-Mersey Bioregion Policy
initiative to consider transtion to a zero carbon economy in the
context of a bioregional scale of analysis and action.
community confusions: A blog looking at the confusions, dangers and ideological issues around the use of the term "community"
UNIVERSITY-COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP "global networking platform for social action research".
of community practitioners, students and university faculty for sharing
knowledge, ideas and best practices of university-community
partnership. Our MISSION is to encourage involvement in community,
promote participatory social action research, and endorse community
leadership that is mindful of cultural diversity and welcomes the
opportunity that this diversity brings."
Martín-Baró Fund for Mental Health & Human Rights
'Our grants support progressive, grassroots groups throughout the
who are challenging institutional repression and confronting the mental
health consequences of violence and injustice in their communities.'
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
North America based organisation campaigning for the responsible
use of psychology for peace and justice (really good on psychologists
and the war of terror).
The Coalition for an Ethical Psychology works to assure the
independence of psychological ethics from government and other vested
interests. To this end we combine intensive research with activism. The
hallmark of the Coalition is the unmasking of policies that legitimate
or provide cover for unethical psychologist involvement in the U.S.
security system. See the 10-Year "Psychology, Torture, and the APA" Timeline
study knowledge base (Sydney Australia) The community
knowledge base has resources for students who want to undertake a
directory, a community Profile, or a community study.
Commmunity, Collaboration, and Consensus useful
based guide to methods (USA)
of articles on 'Disease mongering" from Public Library of
Science -
concerns the trend towards corporate definitions
of diseases with a primary interest in making profits rather
than a concern for public health. also see http://www.diseasemongering.org/
on 4th International Conference on Liberation Social Psychology:
City November 2001
Workers Movement: Brazil Inspiring social
- state of the art educational and literacy work, intentional
struggle against the rich, etc., etc.
Global research - Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada) Brilliant myth busting investigations that help us understand the context in which we all are living.
International Association for Community Development (IACD)is
an international non-profit, non-government membership organisation for
people working in or supporting community development.
Systems Thinking for Professionals & Citizens - part of Werner
Ulrich's home page
Smail's homepage. Some useful links on power and psychology
a veteran British radical (originally psychotherapeutically orientated,
but increasingly sceptical of the value of this acontextual kind of
toolbox Useful resources.
of Enrique Dussel - works of
fascinating Latin American philosopher and ethicist covering a wide
from theology through ethics to history and politics. Many
articles in English.
and Class / Institute of Race Relations: good source of
material on struggles against racism, xenophobia, and imperialism /